Grade 10

Sophomores-Staying on Course


Checklist for Sophomores

Preparing for college continues now!

Graduation may still seem far away, but it's closer than you think!

Planning your curriculum is important to make sure you have the rigor that colleges are looking for and the right preparation for your college major.

Some students should be planning to take some standardized tests this year as preparation for later opportunities.

This is a great time to start your college visits.

Important: This is the last year to enroll in Crosby Scholars. To participate as a Junior and Senior, you must complete the 10th grade year in the Program!


  • Academy

    The Crosby Scholars Academy offers students academic and personal development workshops on a variety of skill enhancement topics that support student achievement and college planning.

    Freshmen and Sophomores are required to attend one Crosby Scholars Academy each school year.  Academies are offered in-person, via zoom, self-paced from home, and at some schools via a "mini-academy" option at their high school.  Students may also choose to attend a "Try-it-Tuesday" career exploration session in the summer as their academy. Scholars must register to attend an academy session through their Crosby Scholars student portal.

    Students can select from a number of sessions that include:

    • Personality Profile and Career Choice
    • Tips to Land Your First J-O-B!
    • Test Taking Tips!
    • Hello, High School!
    • Financial Literacy, "Money, Money, Money!"
    • Communication: Verbal and Non-Verbal
    • Hot Jobs/Disappearing Jobs! (Workforce Trends)
    • GRIT/Perseverance
    • Making the Most of your Summer

    Parents: By allowing your student(s) to attend the Crosby Scholars Academy, you are agreeing to the terms of the Parent Partnership Agreement located in your student’s portal.  This agreement will remain in effect for the duration of your student’s participation in the program.  Should you not agree with these terms, you are required to contact the Executive Director at before allowing your student to attend the Crosby Scholars Academy. Once your student attends the Academy, the agreement is in effect until the student voluntarily withdraws from the program or does not fulfill a program requirement.

  • Community Service

    Crosby Scholars are required to complete two hours of community service every school year, although five are recommended. 

    Click here to access the form to submit volunteer/community service hours.

  • College Fair

    College Fair/College Visit Requirement:

    To fulfill the college fair/college visit requirement, Crosby Scholars must speak with four college admission reps about their respective schools.

    Students typically fulfill this requirement by attending one college fair and submitting a college fair form during their sophomore year, junior year, or senior year; however, juniors and seniors may fulfill this requirement by visiting four college campuses in person or virtually.

    Details are posted below and are outlined in the Crosby Scholars Student Portal. Students are encouraged to turn this form end by the end of the junior year. 

    Click here to view and print the college fair form.

  • Crosby Scholars at YOUR SCHOOL ("Mini-Academies")

    Click here to visit the Crosby Club page on the website

    Crosby Scholars is Happening at YOUR High School!

    Meeting Dates and Topics:

    Hello!  We are excited to be offering Crosby Scholars mini-academies at our High Schools!  Crosby Scholars has partnered with our local high schools and Crosby Scholars Student Officers to create a calendar for the school year that will bring Crosby college and career information right to you!

    • Scholars should check their e-mail frequently for information about meeting dates, locations, and topics
    • Crosby Officers at your school may also use the Remind App and Morning Announcments to let you know about upcoming meetings
    • Meetings are held during the school day and last about 30 minutes
    • In some cases where daytime meetings are not possible, meetings will be held after school
    • Attendance at 2 or more meetings will count for your Academy for the school year!
    • Many schools are also conducting at least 1 community service event on campus to help you complete your community service requirement for Crossby Scholars