Middle School Program

Why choose Crosby as a middle school student?

Preparing for college starts early! Crosby Scholars is here to ensure that every public school student in Iredell County has the opportunity to attend college.

Crosby Scholars provides middle school students with career and college exploration, community service and cultural awareness opportunities, camps and leadership experiences, advisors, college campus visits, admissions and financial aid workshops for students and families, and awards scholarships and Last Dollar Grants for college tuition annually – All at no cost to you!


How does the Crosby Scholars Program support middle school students?

  • Offers workshops to help students become better students and individuals
  • Provides students a way to get involved with their communities
  • Takes students to college campuses so they can picture themselves in college
  • Encourages a drug-free lifestyle
  • Yearly recognition of middle school students who complete the program


Annual Requirements for Middle School Crosby Scholars:

  1. Attend one Crosby Scholars Academy.
    • "Academies" or workshops are offered virtually and in-person throughout the year.
    • Check our calendar for upcoming dates!
  2. Complete at least 2 hours of community service and provide documentation.
  3. Fulfill the terms of the Partnership Agreement by demonstrating good citizenship in your school and community.

Questions about the middle school program?

Contact Zoe, the Middle School Program Coordinator!


We want to help students be successful in middle school! Some ideas we encourage:

Explore Careers
  • Take personality tests
  • Explore interests
  • Volunteer
  • Research career clusters
  • Take CTE classes at school
Success at School
Extra-Curricular Activities

Ready to join the middle school program? Click the APPLY NOW button at the top of the screen!