6-12 Academies
Mitchell Community College Statesville Campus 500 West Broad Street, Statesville, NCStatesville MCC Location. Register after July 5 in your portal!
The online application is closed for the 2024-25 school year.
Statesville MCC Location. Register after July 5 in your portal!
Tools and resources available to help you not only survive but thrive during your 1st year of college.
Come and hear all of the positive things Mitchell Community College has to offer. Dr. Porter Brannon will share some of the unique things a two-year college provides. She brings a perspective that you might not have heard before. This session is free and open to the public.
Tour Mitchell Campus, learn every that Mitchell has to offer to help you start your education locally. Certificate, Associates, Transfer, etc.
Is homework time a struggle in your home? Aaliyah Turner-Moore, Crosby Scholars Middle School Coordinator, will share some strategies to make it more fun and effective. Understanding how students learn and using methods to play to students' strengths will make study time more useful and fun. This session is free and open to the public.
Leaving High School you will meet new people, roommates, employers, professors, etc. Learn how to get along and resolve differences with respect.
Learn what you need to know to not only survive but be successful during your first year of college.
How do admissions officers decide who to admit or deny? The decision involves a lot more than test scores and grade point averages. Jenniffer Jamison, Crosby Scholars Senior Program Advisor, will share what students can do throughout high school to improve the odds of being admitted to the school of their choice. This session is... Read more »
Learn how to find and apply for scholarships.
We will be having an academy at Mitchell Community College’s Statesville Campus. Registration begins at 9:30 and the Academy will run from 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM Grades 6-8: Will be in the Vocational Building (across from the library) Grades 9-11: Will be in the main building (pink building in the center) This academy is... Read more »