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Jr/Sr Academy: Summer Immersion, Studying Abroad, & Honors College Programs!


Calling all Juniors and Seniors! Are you intersted in learning of the many ways you can enhance your educational experience now and beyond? Dive into the world of opportunities as we explore Honors College, Studying Abroad, and Summer Immersion programs in this virtual Crosby Academy! Platform: Zoom (Meeting link will be provided by the coordinator)... Read more »

Career Choices ZOOM (Virtual Middle School Academy)


Middle Schoolers: Join Zoe in this interactive Zoom/Virtual Academy to explore career paths and learn about careers you may not even know exist. If you get tired of hearing the question, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" because you don't know the answer, this is the academy for you!   Platform:... Read more »

In-Person Academies

In-person academies grades 6-12. Register in the Student Portal!